Re: Creating a code free RPG using Sable(video 14), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi everyone,

pleased to see everyone is excited about our announcement from last night. As I’ve been coding away today I’ve heard my inbox going off fairly constantly with emails from people interested in testing, which is great news, so huge thanks to anyone who has already applied.  I’ll  try and answer some of the questions which have come in today:
@433. Huge thanks for the post and all the suggestions too. It’s definitely a fine balancing act, we want to give something back to the community as a thank you for all the support they have shown us since we first announced the project  just over a year ago. we want to give people a chance to experience and play around with Sable, even if they don’t make it onto the QA testing team, hopefully it will help stave away some of the boredom for those stuck in lock down. We also appreciate  though that we do need to have some restrictions in place so people don’t take advantage of the public  QA testing version of Sable, which is why we have put restrictions in place.   As well as the expiry date on Sable, people won’t be able to share maps or projects they create with others and we have discussed some other potential restrictions too.
@number 335, thanks for the post. 5 testers is indeed a small number, but it does allow us to have an elite team of hand picked testers, focused specifically on QA testing Sable and identifying bugs and potential issues, which will make Sable better for everyone in the long run. Originally we would have had a slightly bigger team of testers, but with the decision to release a public QA test version of Sable too, we don’t want to spread ourselves to thin,  as  think there will also be good feedback and potential issues being reported by the public beta team too. As for specific restrictions, I want to be careful here as to what I confirm. since the decision to release a public QA test version was only made this week there is always the chance that our current restrictions could change, or maybe even change based on our initial testing from our elite testers. So I’m a little reluctant to tie ourselves down to specifics here and now, What I can say is that our focus will remain on trying to keep restrictions to creation to a minimum , so that people still get to test and enjoy Sable. Restrictions which I can definitely confirm are those I mentioned in my reply above. I hope you understand my reasons for being a little vague here,  but as with previous posts in this topic I just want to avoid tieing myself down to anything where there is a possibility for change and over promising ourselves.

As ever thanks everyone who has already applied to be part of the testing team.

Paul Lemm

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