Re: What do you think of this video?

If what I've stated here is wrong, then answer me one question. When, in our history, did skin color become a race. What brilliant person decided to come up with that and what was the basis for it. It comes down to this. If someone's going to tell me that we have multiple races when we're actually all part of one human race, then I want to know what planet everyone else comes from because last time I checked we're all born on the same planet. We're all humans, and I just don't understand why so many don't, or won't, understand this. Have black people been oppressed? Unfortunately they have and I hate that. However, every portion of the human race can go and claim that as well. Hey, look at how blind people and others with disabilities are shoved aside at times, and not given what is needed. Some of us here have faced that to a major extent and some have not. I know that here in Pennsylvania, if you're totally blind then good luck getting the services you need. We needed to have a microwave labeled in braille, and the association for the blind, who would normally be tasked with making sure that happens, would have absolutely nothing to do with it. Yet, if you have any other disability, at least here in my state, you practically get the world handed to you on a silver platter. So, this is why I keep saying that all lives matter. It's not just black people that are getting the short end of the stick in some cases. I say some because the majority of black people are not being held back or mistreated like we're lead to think. You see, every ethnic group, or special needs community, could take a similar approach that their lives matter, and they'd be right. What I will not tolerate is people being labeled as racist for holding to the truth that all lives, not just black, white, or any other , matter. Make of it whatever you will, but know that I am not merely stating an opinion here. All I know is that I am tired of our lives being disrupted simply because of this, and right as the country is trying to get back on track after this over-hyped COVID-19 mess.

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