Re: Good memories

Back when 0.7 came out, I had so many issues with the update. It's part of why the topic mentioned in @4 happened. I'm not proud of it, but things really improved later. I think some of the best rs times I've had was when me, Aaron and Tobias were playing together as a team. We were basically as powerful as UKA, and both teams were actually coexisting without many problems. I remember when our team was originally formed, we split off from a larger team in a quite violent way. This is one thing I loved about rs, all the possibilities for player interaction that go beyond just killing. We had a good base set up before the split, but our fourth team member was violating our truce with UKA and not stopping when we asked him to do so. So we decided to leave and build our own base, which ended up lasting far longer. I stole all the gas from our old base while Aaron and Tobias looted the fridge and storage lockers, and bailed on bikes and propulsion jets right after we were kicked from the team (which caused our barricade lines to activate.) I ended up running through no-man's-land with about 800 health and pretty much no shields, but carrying all the gas needed for our new base. Fortunately no one got in the way so we were able to set up on top of the mountain. That base, and that team,. lasted all the way to the huge update with the sky islands and all the new weapons. The roster sometimes changed a bit but not much. UKA did end up destroying our base after the weapon's update, but shortly after they were replaced by scm while we set up again with a different team name in the battle city. I stopped engaging in team play after that, because I mostly spent time on the killing ground and some of the other arenas. i especially enjoyed the melee arena, it was almost a different game for me. The only thing that made it tiresome were the people spamming stun combos, but hey, it was legal so you just had to hit them before they did. The few times I did play in teams, I often focussed on getting the required achievements for some of the more exclusive weapons like the cannon or the maces.

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