Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

You know, I used to agree with Trump's presidency, back when I listened to old Republicans. But as I've matured over the past few years, and became a little luny this year due to being at home for more than three months with nowhere to go – this should get better since I'm on vacation living with my grandparents for the last week and this week – ... what was I going to say? Ah yes, now I have seen many conservatives and "Republicans" for the absolute snobs they are. I'm not saying that Democrats are any better, calling people "trumptards" and equally demeaning things, so I'm not affiliated with either party. Joe is out of touch with his senses, it seems, and Trump is out of touch with what normal Americans want, dragging conservatives and Republicans down his "gotta pay them Democrats back, gotta get revenge, gotta get power!" narrative. And I think we all know what happens when the government gets too much power, and just can't wait to start using it. For me at least, I'm just so tired of hearing about politics and both sides "getting one over" on each other in their stupid games of threats and scandals and empty promises. They focus on each other, our two parties, fighting over which one actually knows what most Americans want, while Google and Facebook joyfully suck up more data and grow grow grow, even bigger than I am, lol. They fight and Howell in rage while at least this American just wants them to shut up and do their job that we elected them for. But no, it's just all a game to these empty-headed politicians, them trying to look good to whatever group they pander to now: the Republicans to Conservative and Christian voters and those who feel "patriotic," and the Democrats to the people who want change and difference and a better world for everyone. Eventually though, they'll have to actually start doing things, like the companies who've tried to help in the small ways they know how, by changing the names of brands to be more inclusive. I'm glad people are demanding things directly of governors and elected officials. Now we get to see if they truly are for change, or if they always were simply made up of hot air, and the world will see that, too.

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