Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

You guys need Bernie Sanders. Too bad you drove him out.

I'm not a fan of Biden, but I'd rather have Biden than Trump. Hands down. No questions. I pretty much stopped accepting him as anything but a failure sometime last year, and some of the shit he's pulled this year has only made me more vocal and certain of my position.

To bring this to a Covid-19 angle, there's a lovely but extremely long article in The Atlantic - I don't have the link on me right this minute - which talks about this. I believe it's titled "The three weeks that changed everything" or something like that; you should be able to google it. It is a detailed, relatively unbiased, accurate account of the American response to Covid-19, and it sort of made me die a little. I won't front-load it. Go read it. Seriously.

Electoral systems in many democratic countries are straight-up broken, and serve only to prop up currently entrenched power structures. A whole lot of things need to change before western democracy actually does what it's supposed to do.

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