Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok so, expect to be called out when you make a statement stating that Trump's quote was fake news, and that you  didn't hear it. I'm sorry to say you must be   intentionally ignoring  such a widely publicised news story, or living under a rock to  say  such a  thing. I always do my research before making claims, and back up many specifics. If I am ignorant of a really  widely publicised news story, or deny  it, by all means anyone on this forum feel free to call me out in the same way.
Again with covid cases, I  really feel we are going in circles here. Noone denied there would be false posetives. However,  they are much lower than the actual number of false negatives, or people that didn't get tests when they were supposed to. Your refusal to wear a mask, and refusal to follow public health advice poses a direct hazzard to anyone  in close contact with you.  Shut down businesses to give a false sense of security? Really? What would you have people do, throw covid parties? Pray for the virus to magic away, and then declare it's over? Safety and lives transcend those businesses you seem to care so much about. A business or property damage, or monitary damage can be recovered from in due time, with appropriate support, instead of governmental support to billion dollar companies. But you can't resurrect a dead person, all of the lost potential, decimated families. Additionally, even if there wern't lockdowns, most people are unlike you, and wouldn't needlessly indanger themselves and do luxury shopping or dining when thousands of people are infected and die each day.

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