Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Accman, as I pointed out to you yesterday, I find it amusing that you're willing to invalidate everything I say just because I swear a little. You'll note that I haven't actually cussed you out even once. Saying "it's a bullshit claim", "do some fucking research" and the like is not cussing you out. Cussing someone out looks more like this:
"Listen, you stupid f**k*. You're being a terrific a**hole if this is what you believe because..."
Note how I didn't call you, personally, any names? I have labelled your stances, your beliefs, your words as foolish. I have definitely attacked what you're saying and doing, and if you identify closely with what you say and do, I suppose you might be feeling attacked. But the one thing I made very clear not to do was to start calling you names and such. I don't generally do that for anyone, much less you.
Also, you mistake me. Being angry and losing your temper are two very different things. I'm angry with the shit you're saying. I have not lost my temper even once during any part of this exchange. I do have a temper, but it takes a great deal for me to lose it.
My college education tells me that swear words really aren't that offensive, because by and large they do more for the speaker than the one spoken to. Now, if I had known previously that swearing really, really offended you, and I'd made a deliberate choice to swear anyway, that's kind of a jerk move. So I suppose now that I learned the truth about your own paper-thin skin, and continued to swear, you can make the argument that I'm being a jerk. I have no real defense for this, except that the way I see it, I'm proving a point every time I swear and you freak out and try to dismiss me. You are not only deciding what info you process, but you are essentially trying to police the tone of my messages. If it wasn't swearing, it would be something else. You are trying to dictate to me the terms by which I must address you if I'm going to be taken seriously, and I guess this is my way of saying that I repudiate the notion that you get to call all the shots. If you want to dismiss me, go ahead, but I suspect that most people reading this will see you for exactly what you are now.

To summarize:
You won't be limited anymore by health guidelines regarding Covid-19.
The more you go out, the greater your chance of getting sick.
Because you can be sick for awhile without knowing it, you can infect other people without knowing it.
Covid-19 has a 0.3-0.6% death rate, and that's probably being a little bit kind; this means that it's possible you could be responsible for killing someone indirectly with your decision.
Yet you're going to do it anyway. This means you're taking a risk for no good reason that could result in someone's death. You are tacitly okay with people dying.
Also, since you think we should just let it run its course, which means, yet again, that more people will die, it means that *gasp!* you're tacitly okay with people dying. There is no escape.

The link that Enes provided is hard proof of what I stated in a previous post about Trump asking to have numbers lowered. I suspect that any delay you take in listening to that link is deliberate denial, but hey, if you do have a legitimate computer problem that stops you from clicking links outside this forum, that's cool I guess. I find that your computer's anti-left bias is significant, however, since didn't you also dig up stats and stuff a day or two ago? Where'd you get those if you can't click youtube links or google-search links? is your computer letting you click some things and not others based on political ideology?
Somehow, I think the truth is a whole lot more straightforward. you're ready to mention numbers and stats when it suits you, but the instant someone else furnishes easy proof to utterly wreck your house of cards, you state that you won't be seeing it any time soon. That's pretty fucking convenient, IMO. It proves to me that you are not actually approaching this with an open mind. I, at least, would be willing to listen if bonna fide proof surfaced that this Covid-19 thing was all some sort of leftist plot. It would gall me to do it, but I'd do it anyway. I can stand to be corrected. I can stand to be wrong. How about you?

I think the only thing I really want to know anymore, Accman, is a very simple answer to a very simple question.
Assume, for just a second, that we're not all lunatics. Assume that we didn't just splice together a voice clip and multiple other sources out of whole cloth, and Trump actually said and did the shit we claim. What are you going to do about it? Does it change any of your opinion about the way he's handling this? Are you even capable of admitting that you're wrong? Because I haven't seen evidence of it. Not once. And someone who cannot admit that they might be wrong is not deserving of my respect in a debate. If you want to know why I seem to be swearing a little bit more now than I was before, it's simple. I have respect only for the proof you furnish, and not for your stance at this point. If you want to try and weaponize my f-bombs and such, if you want to pretend that they're mortally sinful in some fundamental way that you cannot or will not deal with, that's cool, but I call bullshit on that, too. Until or unless you can represent yourself as a person who can admit fault and wrongdoing, I don't have much time or patience for your feelings.
And before you try and impugn my professional credentials, I should note that you are not my client, and I'd be dealing with you in an entirely different manner were you a client. I know how to leave my bias at the door when dealing with people. I know how to play nice. In an administrative role, I try to do this. But right here, right now, I'm not an administrator, so while it's not fair of me to legitimately attack you, I'm doing my level best not to do this. It takes two people to argue. You and I are just as guilty of bothering each other, and bear similar responsibility. You want your crackpot claims to be left unassailed? I say fuck that, because I would hate for someone to mistake your folly for wisdom and make a decision they might regret. You say I shouldn't swear? Fuck that too. I'm not an admin in this capacity and I don't reflect the site when I'm simply talking to you, man to man, as it were. Stop grasping at straws.

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