Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

When we drive cars or engage in otherwise dangerous activities that can get people killed, we do as much as we can to make sure that safety comes first. Why do you think there are so many products modified and recalled after reports of malfunction, injury or death? Why do you think some dangerous machinery and technology has extensive, detailed training manuals and certifications required before someone can successfully operate that machinery? Why do you think space flights are full of redundancies, and cancelled in response to what might appear to be only a tiny glitch? It's because we know that stuff can go wrong and people can fucking die, and we generally have a deep respect for human life.
Mask-wearing, physical distance and lack of public gatherings unless absolutely necessary are simply the temporary safety precautions that experts have decided are required to deal with a situation that has impacted the world, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of infections, with no real end in sight yet. You're upset because it's impinging upon your liberty, but if you were a welder, would you get pissed about having to wear a welding mask on the job? If you worked construction, would you balk at wearing hot, heavy steel-toed boots? Would you get upset that you had to take a three-hour online course about chemical safety when working with hazardous materials? If not, then you have absolutely no leg to stand on. In virtually every other situation, you'll probably accept that these experts know more than you, even though safety protocols are also constantly evolving and improving. Yet as soon as it means you might have to wear a mask outside or when you go to the grocery store, the world is going to bloody end. Get over yourself. If you dig down deep, you'll come to understand that this has nothing to do with the fact that opinions are changing, because opinions change on a whole host of topics and they very likely don't bother you at all. It has to do with you being sick and tired of having your freedom limited. Just accept it. You're pissed because you're being told what to do, and you're bitter about it because it has resulted in personal hardship. You know what though? I have a ton of sympathy for people experiencing hardship due to these restrictions. I really do. It's not fun for most people. If you think us leftists are enjoying this, you'd best think again. The reason I'm taking issue with you is that you're blaming everyone except those who deserve it. Also, you're deciding that you being fed up entitles you to risk the lives of other people. Let's not forget that bit.

Also? The reason we don't shut down the country over cancer deaths? Last time I checked, cancer wasn't a communicable fucking disease. It can be encouraged environmentally to some degree, but you can't catch cancer if a cancer sufferer coughs on you. Jesus, do you even realize what you're saying anymore, dude?

Testing is not a double-edged sword. More tests means more metrics. People testing positive are going to get treatment. People who fail to be tested at all but may be sick are probably failing to get treatment, which may in fact increase their likelihood of death from the virus. More tests means more positive and negative results both. More positive results translates directly to more cases treated and more lives saved. More negative results hurts absolutely no one. Sure, it also means more reported cases, but it doesn't change the number of infected, only the number of infected that people are talking about.
So the onus is on you to explain how precisely this situation is a double-edged sword. If you're going to make silly claims, I'm going to rebut them. If he's not holding back because of the reasons I cited, then why -is he doing it? Can you provide empirical evidence suggesting that there is a good reason to slow down testing numbers? Because I gotta tell ya, from this side of the fence it looks pretty fucking grim over on that side. But I tell you what. If you actually have a reason stronger than "I'm going to wait and see, he has to have a reason", then good on you; I'll listen. But that above bit, the wait-and-see approach, simply means I was right when I said that you can't stand to be wrong, and can't stand to have your leader criticized. Why is it so fucking difficult to say, "You know, I mostly agree with this guy, but I think this was a mistake"? Are you afraid that by conceding a point to people you disagree with, you're going to fail in some fundamental way? I promise that won't happen. I've been wrong thousands of times in my life. So have you. So have all of us. It won't kill you. For my part, I'm perfectly willing to admit wrongdoing if it can be demonstrated, but thus far in this thread, it hasn't been. But even if you're the one who ultimately proves that I've made some sort of mistake, I'll at least hear you out, and I'll have the courage to admit that I fucked up.

I will give credit where it's due, though. Despite your angry statement to the contrary, you appear to still be arguing with me and trying to defend yourself from my aspertions on your character even though my cursing apparently represents a mortal offense to your sensibilities. This means that either you took my point and realized that swearing does not invalidate (or validate) an argument or the character of the person making that argument, or it means you were lying when you said you were offended. In the former case, you've grown as a person even in a short time, and I honestly commend you for that growth, because being proven wrong is never easy; I'll point out that you made some pretty silly claims about me which, were I thinner-skinned, I'd actually have found pretty offensive, but I don't really expect any sort of acknowledgement or apology of these facts. In the latter case, however, it just means you were trying to deflect, and to cast needless doubt on my suitability as a social worker for no good reason, as most of me tends to believe you were doing. I really do hope my gut is wrong on this one, however. In any case, you're still here and still arguing, so clearly something in your "you've lost all my respect, I'm disengaging" proclamation is busted someplace.

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