Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Nolan, if you look at all of those past pandemics like the one you mentioned in your post, you'll find that as bad as it was we didn't shut down everything over it. People were made of much tougher stuff back then and actually didn't choose to live in a state of fear like today's folk are prone to do.

Yes, the economy serves us, but it won't be serving anyone if we keep this up. It isn't going to take care of itself, and without the businesses to keep things going you'll find that things aren't going to go the way you think they will. I haven't lost site of the fact that the economy serves us and not the other way around. I have a bit more common sense than that.

You hate wearing the mask because it messes with certain sense you've relied on, and yet you say poor me and are willing to put up with it. You know what? If you're willing to go along to get along, then pay the price and be deprived of that which you rely on, and don't complain about how you hate it because you gave up that right when you made the choice to do so.

I didn't mention that the business concerning the mayor in D.C. had been nullified because I had not heard that. I don't know about some of you out there, but the ones who would make a big deal out of me not having mentioned this may also forget that I have a life to live outside of looking at the news every second of the day. I am, as it happens, in the middle of a very crazy part of the training for my new career that I've had to shift to thanks to this virus and the stupidity that the fear of it has fostered. So, you'll pardon me if I don't hear about something  and fail to mention it.

Jade, as for you're thoughts of me preferring to be a disease vector, you may already be one yourself since those masks don't offer all the protection you think they do. I haven't had the chance to be out and about that much because of this lack of work, so any notion you have of me becoming a disease vector can go right back to where you got it from. I do not seek to be a disease vector, not deliberately at any rate. However, I will not voluntarily deprive myself of senses that I need to be able to function on a daily basis. I am sure a sighted person wouldn't voluntarily give up there sight if it meant the virus could enter their bodies through their eyes, so I am not giving up any other senses just to wear a mask that won't even offer guaranteed protection. the best part is that I don't have to complain about the discomfort, how hot it is, and all htat, and I don't have to complain about lack of echo location and the like because I have made my choice not to deprive myself of what I need. Those who decide to do this have absolutely no right to complain about the discomfort, loss of any senses they experience, or anything because they've made that choice. Going along to get along comes with a price, and I am not willing to pay that price. Remember that the next time any of you complains about wearing one of these things. You chose it, so you deal with it and do so without complaining because you have no right to do so since you made that choice. Have fun, and be safe if you can.

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