Re: sable, what do you want to see

Hi everyone,

Great to see some of the ideas and suggestions which have come in. I’m currently busy working away on new additions to Sable, at some point over the next few weeks I’ll post a list of some of the new additions which I’ve added. I think one thing to bear in mind with Sable, is it is a prototype, this is really just a proof of concept to see if this type of tool is something the community wants. If the prototype is successful  then the plan is to create the second generation of Sable in another programming language. The advantage of writing a prototype first, not only do you get to find out what works, what doesn’t, what people like and what they don’t, but you also get to experience some of the pitfalls and problems first hand, then can improve on that in the second version. writing a prototype has been a great experience for me and I’ve learnt a lot, there’s a ton of stuff I’d do differently in a new version, plus a ton of additions I’d add too, but I don’t want to get caught up in what might or might not make it into a second generation of sable though, since at the moment the focus is on the prototype. I’m not often on the forum,  so I can’t promise to answer all questions that come in on this topic, but I can answer a couple which have come in so far below:

1.    There will definitely be more detailed documentation when Sable is released which will include information on stats and mechanics etc.  there weren’t any plans to release a public alpha of Sable, it was only due to the state of lock down across the world  at the time, that we decided to offer  a publicly available version to do our part as a thank you to the community for all the support. However, since the public alpha wasn’t planned it meant we had no official documentation written, so just had to create something pretty quick (whilst also preparing sable for the release), so thats why the documentation didn’t contain everything and wasn’t’ a full documentation.
2.    The class creation is something I get asked about a lot, I completely agree that an RPG creation tool needs to be able to have more than just four default classes. This was always planned to be in Sable, but just wasn’t there in the public alpha  as mentioned previously we hadn’t planned to make a public release. this is however something I’m  actually starting to work on at the moment, so there will be a way of people creating new class’s in Sable.
3.    Someone mentioned not being able to create rooms in buildings. This is possible. I often make buildings which have various rooms in them, it would be a pretty boring building otherwise smile  As an example of rooms in buildings, check out the YouTube video below, this is scarlets project she made over the 3 week public alpha, she was the winner of our competition we ran to see who could create the best project using sable over the three week public alpha, the video is a walkthrough of her project, it’s a great demonstration of what can be created using Sable, but it’s also an example of rooms in buildings too since her game starts off in a tower with various rooms, there’s an intro I do at the start which lasts about a minute and a half or so, but then it gets straight into her playthrough and her starting the game and it starts in the tower.

Finally for anyone who wants to stay up to date on news and updates, you can always follow us on social media (the links are in my signature). As ever thanks for all the positive comments, again I can’t promise I’ll be able to answer questions which come in here, since I’m pretty non stop coding sable at present  and not often on the forum, but even if I don’t have the time to reply, I’ll be sure to check the topic out from time to time  to see what ideas and suggestions come up here.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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