Re: Who inspires you?

I guess I don't really see the point in taking inspiration from people. Like, what is it supposed to do? Unless you can translate that inspiration into something productive, it's useless. Now, you can respect someone for things they've done; but that doesn't carry with it a sort of hint at things to come. Inspiration does, which is why I tend to think what y'all really mean is respect.

Here's how inspiration can translate into something productive. You're confined to a wheelchair, and you see a news report of someone being confined to a wheelchair who has climbed Mt. Everest. You use it as a turning point, and you try to get out of your head and do something. It doesn't have to be a 1 to 1 translation, i.e. person A did a thing, and you took inspiration and now you've attempted or succeeded at doing that same thing.

SO saying that someone inspires you really does beg the question. To what feats do they inspire you? If you can't give an answer to that question, you most likely respect them or admire them, but perhaps  you aren't taking inspiration from them.

To me, inspiration comes from the things around us more so than the people in our community. For instance, a musician happens to unconsciously start tapping their pencil, but then realizes hey, wait a minute, that's actually a nice rhythm. a light bulb goes off and they start writing it down and then they form a melody, a bass line a chorus, the bridge, etc. Soon enough, they've written a song, but the inspiration came from a fidgeting behavior.

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