Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Thing about Biden is that Biden makes a good deal of sense if your goal is to get rid of Trump.  Sanders is a scary candidate that would probably have alienated the suburban white voter as well as many independents.  You have to play that card only when the world is ready for change, but right now the world is ready for normality.

I'm not super fond of the democrats right now either, but as I put it to my dad at one point (because he's 50 and just didn't get it) one side of this would rather me just go away as a person, and that arguably means my death.  I'm gay and disabled, so they've got me no matter what I do.  Republicans are in the process of trying to repeal healthcare without a plan and would love to roll back gay rights, and for anyone who doesn't know, gay sex was illegal in the U.S. as recently as 2003.  Disability rights were also on the chopping block, though having to protest against that was a long time ago given the current huge list of controversies, something like 2017, so I think many have forgotten.  But for all of us here, healthcare is a big deal because those pre-existing condition protections are a huge deal for us.

So, my point being, there kind of isn't a choice.  If you let the chips fall where they may, we can end up in much worse places than ineffective democratic presidents that don't get anything done.  Right now the status quo is someone such as myself can't retire because even though the ACA exists, healthcare isn't actually affordable to anyone with truly complicated stuff.  But the status quo could very easily be no gay rights, no healthcare, no disability rights, no discrimination protections for any minorities, and being extra tough on protesting.  I try very hard to believe Republicans don't stand for these things.  But they've tried to do most of these things over and over for the last 4 years, so...well, actions speak much louder than words and I've mostly given up on "both sides have good points".  And if I find out I have friends voting for Trump this year, they probably won't stay my friends because it's really hard to stay friends with someone who votes against your direct interests and even in some sense your right to personhood.

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