Re: Any way to make coding on MacOS non-painful?

Unless something changed, you can still turn off code signing on Mac.  If nothing else, developers need it, so the switch has to be present.

Yes, it will be a pain.  You'll be able to do it, being as you presumably already have an app.  This is a accessible but not usable case, and at least with accessible but not usable you can still technically use it.  You will find out just how fun the iOS and Mac appstore review process is, however.

Every time I hear this I feel sorry for the person saying it, because it means you've not hit your maximum potential on any platform.  I am as fast as an average sighted programmer.  It took me years to do, and is a major achievement for someone who's blind.  It is not possible to become as fast as an average sighted programmer on mac.

In any other context but Mac accessibility, "Everything has bugs, but they're not that bad" isn't an argument we'd allow or something we'd live with.  But for Mac, you pay a lot more for a lot less, and every time this comes up someone will defend that choice with "Everything works, it's just buggy, but you can live with it"  Also, try Xcode sometime, that's where you get to see every single flaw in Voiceover all at once.

But let's consider some math.  When skimming large source files you need the first syllable of the line.  At 600 words a minute, that's 10 words a second.  If we say that every word has 2 syllables, that's 20 syllables a second, which is about 50MS per syllable.  Mac adds at least 50 MS to speech latency over all the other platforms, ironically including iOS.  That's a 2x slowdown right there.  Mind you, 600 words a minute with the mac synths is really hard to achieve anyway, and I'm at 800 as are many other programmers.  Nothing like a drunk speech synthesizer.  This is before things like the terminal weirdness, the XCode problems, the browser weirdness, the incredibly lame punctuation support ("less" is much shorter than "less than", "tick" much shorter than "apostrophe").  If indentation also sucks that hurts your ability to work with sighted colleagues.  And unless they fixed it, the speech situation is so bad that key echo skips keys because it can't keep up.

I can go get a Windows laptop for half the price and have double the efficiency on literally absolutely everything I do as a programmer.  Objectively, not subjectively.  Same for Linux.  By all means use Mac if it works for you, but please don't be another one of the people who defends it as fine when it's really, really not.  I can honestly say with a straight face that trying to program on a Mac will strongly affect your job performance.  There's a huge difference between "if you learn it better then..." sorts of bugs, and just fundamentally broken screen reader problems, and somehow people are willing to pay double for a laptop with a screen reader full of broken.  I get it if you're doing music or something, but...otherwise, no, I really don't get it.

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