Re: Time of conflict strategy and/or recording?

After playing around with time of conflict for the second time in my life, the first being back when it initially reared its monstrous head, I still find certain things rather tedious.  Perhaps I'm the only one who is going to see these flaws, and that's fine, since the game has grown to make up for these little hiccups, into a beast I can play for hours on end when I have the time.  Between making units, maps, soundpacks, and online playing, I can honestly say that this one is getting my money soon.

Back to the things that bother me for a minute, however,
getting 18 infantry units into 3 troop transports is quite a pain, particularly since you have to keep track of which infantry units have gone where in order to avoid from selecting them again and trying to move them if already properly placed.  Dropping them at their destination if that destination happens to be a city is also a pain, since there is no keystroke that will wake up units contained within a unit, which means you either hit shift w and wake up the entire contents of your city and sort through it that way, or backing said unit, be it a transport or carrier of some sort out of the city, hoping it doesn't block some other carrying unit, waking up its concents once you have it outside of the city, then having them all go into the city that way, which will only be one cell away, obviously.

Also slightly off putting is having say, 30 fighters all going in the same direction and all of them encountering the same enemy city which you are currently not interested in, having to tell each and every single one of them to ignore it over and over again, or having 20 different bombers attacking a city and having to repeatedly do something with them after one has bombarded the city so that the others can continue.  Having 6 cruisers or battleships all going to the same city can be a drag as well, since the game will simply present them to you and hav e you press space on them to skip their moves so that whatever is in their way will move.

Incidentally, not that I mind having a limited airspace, but the fact that you can only have so many fighters and bombers sharing a particular cell should be documented, since I think I lost something like 40 fighters in one go because I didn't know.  I sent them along with goodness knows how many, all to protect something or other, and on their way there they encountered each other in a mass, and rather than being able to move them in any sort of cluster, I was stuck hitting space on them over and over again until they ran out of fuel and crashed.  Tey couldn't return home because of the massive amount of aircraft behind them, and they couldn't get to their destination because of the many in front.  Honestly, I couldn't believe it; as enraged as I initially felt at losing so much in so little, I was rather amused.

And then there's lists and n amed memory.  I can't say how many times I've selected a bunch of units in a list and tried to send them all to a city I stored in named memory only to find that I can't quite do it that way, since named memory seems to be considered a list of its own, or something.

Beyond that, nothing much bothers me at all.  On occasion one of my bombardment units will glitch up and refuse to bombard anything even if whatever it is happens to be 2 cells away, and once the maps are heavily populated playing time increases massively and can cause quite a bit of lag, but those are all minor irritations compared to the other stuff I mentioned.  My strategy is simple, but I've yet to try it on people, and while it seems to work on AI units quite nicely, I'm pretty sure there's something I've yet to figure out that works better.  I'm playing the campaigne map at present and I've captured every enemy city I've found.  I exp ected the game to end awhile ago but it hasn't yet, so I'm going after all of the empty cities.  It was kind of interesting that I've managed to tackle this much of the map in only 700 or so time measurements, since I previously played it before a few days ago and got into something like 1020 of them and was still engaged in what felt like an upward climb.

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