Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

The problem is that so few anarchists or far left progressives have good ideas on how to fix it long term from the nitty gritty detailed side of things.  They just want change now! and often think with emotion first, which has never gone well historically.
There is also the concept that if you tare down the system, you'll eventually need to build another one back up just to manage things day to day, and that eventually, we'll probably end up near where we started over time because we're still human and we fall into predictable patterns.  We even saw this in the short time that CHOP/CHAZ existed...  Let alone all the famous failed revolutions.
Ultimately, most just don't seem to be willing to accept that meaningful change is incredibly slow and done over generations.  Of course in some ways this is good because it keeps the spark alive and the pressure on, but it's also a weak point because it looks like jumping the gun without a solid strategy  and trying to condemn everyone for things they consider perfectly reasonable.
The only other way to get the utopia they want in a shorter amount of time and in a manner that would actually stick around for a while would be to completely dismantle not just this government, but all governments, and in fact reinvent society from the ground up while somehow keeping the knowledge of our past mistakes in mind when doing it and not becoming overly authoritarian in managing that process.
Which is (as far as I'm concerned) impossible even if you had a global disaster to help it along.

That's why I tend to go more with center left to center politicians and avoid things like the libertarian and socialist parties.  Too many heads in the clouds otherwise...  I want to put my vote towards people who may actually get things done, all be it slowly.
We need the dreamers and big idea people too, lest we forget our ultimate goal, but most of them just don't belong in politics of any kind, and often end up doing more harm than good for the cause by pissing off/scaring everyone when they do.

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