Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

The third party keyboard refers to a software keyboard which can be directly accessed in apps, not a hardware keyboard. So, Fleksy, for example, might be accessible directly from the rodor, something which, in my ever-so humble opinion, would make said app extraordinarily useful. Though, with braille keyboard support coming in IOS8, such an app will be rendered slightly less advantageous. I tend to agree with the sentiments in posts 2 and 3 with regards to copying. Apple was the first company to employ a full GUI in its operating systems, so one might make the point that Microsoft copied the idea and as such should not have implemented it. However, it really would not be reasonable for Windows to be a fully console-based OS, as Macs would be incredibly more marketable and windows would almost certainly not exist anymore. Where I would draw the line on copying is where a very specific idea is replicated almost exactly onto another platform; say, if I were to write an and roid screenreader called speechover. Such a name is so clearly a total Apple knock-off that it would certainly raise some complaints of plagerism.

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