Re: An inquiry about Mathematics courses and Braille

interesting. i've never actually known that these methods and tools ever existed for braille, ginerally speaking it was hard enough for me to actually get some of the braille tools i have today for me to study with, for calculus, both hysics and math here things you study from the first to the  third year of hie school, i must say that the old teeching program was actually a lot complicated  for others that studied  before as they cover hire learning, depeneding on what you chose, thanks to that i am good at math in the level i am today, although i'm not sure to be honest if i get these tools we're  talking about for braille if i'm going to be abel to actually understand them completely with relative ease, especially considering the fact that i've bin taught physics and math with the french language, i think it's just a matter of knowing the  symbols again and what the mean in place of the ones i know in french, with a bit of time and practice i think, but i'll definitely have a look in to these

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