Re: The wiggles, the wheels on the bus.

@Jeffb, Dardar's retoric clearly shows the racism perpetrated against spiders by this blatantly vertibrist proppergander. Firstly, spiders are taught to have no aspirations, that any social climbing will inevitably result in their sure and certain fall, and secondly,little miss muffit, planely shows not only the sexist idea that little girls should not sit on tuffits, but also portrays the spider as a figure of fear, whom no decent young lady would consider speaking to, thus indoctrinating children into narrow, vertibrist ways of thinking?

Actually, vertibrism is all over these so called nursary rhymes! we learn in the story of the child who goes down the guarden to eat worms, that worms are only fit to associate with those everybody hates, while the rhyme wiggaly woo planely shows us that all worms can do is wiggle, thus giving worm children a skewed idea of social expectations and the blatantly spinocentric culture we live in!

On part of all insects I protest! and order that all of these rhymes be banned forthwhith, either that, or institute a campaign of truly insectorally correct nursary rhymes, for example:

"little miss muffit  made a conscious autonomous decision to sit upon a tuffit as was her right as a free individual, whereupon she consumed a bowl of freely obtainable curds and way, as a fully intigrated member of society. Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, so that they could engage in a freely conscious dialogue concerning others differences and the important cultural contributions those without spines have made to our society, which have hitherto gone entirely unrecognised!"

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