Re: Help your developer make cooler games by donating

@Keyisfull, fare enough on the donation front, and I agree with Dentin about having a  proper website and links, indeed I find it disappointing that  your games don't come with one.

I'm personally not exactly sure on recommending people donate to you so you can buy  games for ideas.  Myself, I'd be far more likely to donate to a developer who  had! their own ideas and wanted the money for sounds, development libraries and voice actors.   This isn't to put people off donating if they wish, just that that particular reasoning doesn't quite sit right with me.

I also confess, that personally while I'll gladly donate to many developers, I'm afraid I'm not absolutely convinced enough by your previous  titles.

While both Battle zone and damage extreme had many features, and obviously a lot of sounds and music gathered from around the net, I wasn't sure either  about game design, p lot or over all planning. Battle zone for example seemed to   be more a matter of hammering buttons when enemies  were close in position, rather than playing tactically, and while I appreciated the random elements of the game the fact of their randomness was negated for me by the fact that essentially your response to most threats was the same, ie, hammer buttons as quickly as possible. 

I personally would've liked to  see some more variety in what the player did, and the game's challenge being presented more evenly rather than swamping the player in many sounds and enemies. I also feel the plot was a littl hasty "you are kidnaped while shopping?" and possibly could've used more work even if synths had to be used.

With damage extreme  the gameplay was more even and I did like the   trophy system, but again the plot and text of the game  didn't quite feel as well connected as it could have done. i n addition again, at  later levels much of the game's mechanics and threats  came down to navigating many sounds and  being swamped with enemies.

This hopefully explains why I am not donating myself, sinse while I am absolutely in favour of supporting audio game developers I am not sure about the game  design in your previous titles.

however as I said, I wouldn't discourage other people from developing if they wish (I admit I'm hard to please in game terms), and I definitely would like to be proved wrong on this in the future, indeed if you come up with a really stunning commercial game I'd be the first to buy it and possibly donate afterwards.

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