Re: [New service] Free phone system for friendship/dating

At nocturnus: Personally i have seen this argument come up here and there on this forum for a while. Blind people are never going to fit in with the sighted world if they don't come out of there shell. I think the critical point that you didn't mention in your post is quite simply, that not everyone, like me for example, do not fall in to the category of only associating with other blind people. While i know you certainly didn't mean to insult anyone, i can't help feeling slightly offended, only because i'm currently seeking a very mainstream career in the tech industry, and don't really appreciate being lumped in to a category just because i have a disability. Don't worry, you didn't say anything to piss me off, but the tone of your post suggests you were directing your comments at the forum as a whole, dissreguarding whether people have lives outside blind internet boards like this one. Personally, i would advise not trying to mentally cat egorize any group in to a set number of perceived stereotypes, and then making it public, as your bound to bug someone. Again, i know it's not your intention to come across in a negativ sense, but man, think before you post please.

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