Re: death match project alpha

@vlad25, If I ever here you ask that stupid question one more time, I swair I will report you to the moderators as you, just like last weak, ignored everything I have said. Further more, your really starting to extremely tick me off now. As slj put it, no one knows when beta 4 will come out, not even me! And yes, that's a true fact. The way the development process works, which you seem perfectly incapable of understand vlad, is I develop whenever I feel up to it, I add new features, and if I consider it a worthy update only then is when I publish it. But I can't do that with out the help of the beta testers, and when you were one, all you did was complain to me about bugs that you told me about before, then asked repeatedly if I hadn't fixt them, and in general you were being an inconsiderit person. Did it ever spring into your head that I have you know, a life? Did it ever pop into your mined that, mayby, perhaps I need to go back to the playstation 3 and gain some more ideas from playing dead space? Game developers are normal people, just like you. We have lives to atend to. I have school to work on, and I can only develop once I got a solid idea in my head. So, for the last time, back off and knock it off, now, or I mean it, I will report you, because I have had enough. If your board, i'm sorry, I can't do anything about it. I could code 1000 new features into the game and you would eventualy still get board. Here's a tip. If your really that board, try playing another game, or mayby even getting off the computer and relaxing for a bit. Seriously, you would be amazed at how quickly time flys by and before you know it, when you next check, dm project alpha will possibly even be at 2.0! But in order for that to happen, you need to just settel down, take a chill pill, find something else to do and wait, payshantly for the next release to come out. Thank you. OK, rant over. To the person who asked about the tractor beam module, T he port is at position 182, when your first tractorable item appears. Just pull it towards you and let it go in. If you can't get it to go in, keep pulling left until you here a click sound. Hope this helps.

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