Re: Braillemon status update!

Okay, a couple of questions.

1. How in heck do you save or get at stuff like SAPI speed? And will this game ever allow NVDA or Jaws to run instead? Microsoft Anna is painful. I'm aware it's an early beta, I'm just curious.
2. I feel like you've crunched down all the maps rather significantly. Is this true? I used to play the old gameboy games, and I find myself wildly overshooting targets sometimes.
3. A thorny one for you. In gen 3 and up, Gamefreak arbitrary stuck an EV cap on all pokemon of 510. This ensures that even if you have a max-IV pokemon, he will never have his max in all stats. While this arguably speeds up battle, is it necessary? And are you doing it? My opinion, personally, is that EVs are fine, but put the cap at 1530 as it originally was. If not, a relative novice to the game is going to have badly-trained pokemon because of all the stupid Team Rocket trainers and stuff he had to kill.
You say stuff before gen 2 was broken , but I'd firmly disagree. Gen 1 was pretty busted, but gen 2 was arguably pokemon's most solid. If a pokemon's base stats were 100 across the board (say Mew, for instance), and you had a Mew with max DVs (as they were called in those days), your Mew would actually have 298 in all stats except HP, which would be 403. Nowadays, that same Mew might well have its special attack and speed near or just above that 298 mark (thanks to natures), but all other stats will suffer, thus making it more frail.
In a nutshell, I'd love to see gen 3 mechanics with gen 2's EV cap of 1530, so it's theoretically possible to max your pokemon's stats across the board.

And a glitch, I think:
When you fail to act (owing to paralysis or attraction or whatnot), your pokemon still makes its move. Also, I think your random generator thing is seriously messed up. I went thirty-seven turns against a wild Pikachu while paralyzed and attracted, and never once got an attack off. I have categorically never had such bad luck in the games before; ten in a row is an outside shot, but thirty-seven is just crazy. I feel like perhaps you're having the chance to be inactive stacking on itself more than it should, but maybe I just really, really beat the odds.
One other thing: I'm not completely certain about this, but I'm fairly sure that this same Pikachu had both Static and Cute Charm, because I believe I got paralyzed by hitting it and got attracted also by hitting it (on the following turn).

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