Re: Braillemon status update!

Thanks for the bits of info. I know Pichu can get Cute Charm, or I'm about 90% sure they can...but yeah.

Anyway, regarding the EV thing, here's my take on it. If I know which moves to use on my pokemon, and make judicious use of the move deleter for HMs I no longer want, in gen 2 and below I can still use my gamers competitively. It won't matter if the Rhydon I'd been using for Strength had a crappy move because I can get rid of it, and in gen 2 or lower it also doesn't matter what I fight because Rhydon's eventually going to have the stats it was intended to have. Instead of dying in one hit from Alakazam's Psychic or even a Starmie's Ice Beam (x2 weakness, no same-type attack bonus), Rhydon lives and gets a chance to actually use Earthquake, depending on whether or not it's been switched in during an active or passive turn (i.e., whether it took damage coming in or not).
In my opinion, the 510 EV cap is just another excuse to make people use new/different pokemon. It's a neat idea, but I don't like the idea that my pokeon I've been fighting with all game essentially mean nothing competitively.

And fine. You don't want me to use a legendary for a stat comparison? Okay. Let's look at something even more illustrative. Let's look at Kingdra.
Kingdra is actually pretty good, stat-wise, and its water-dragon typing means that it's really not weak to much. It doesn't really belong in the overused tier of competitive battling but it's a good solid pokemon, gamer or otherwise. Pretty much nothing one-shots Kingdra.
In gen 2, Kingdra has 353HP, 288 attack/defense/special attack/special/defense, and I think 258 speed.
Now let's tear it apart with the EV cap.
You only get two stats to max, and 4EVs = 1 stat point. Thus, it's very likely that for a competitive Kingdra (let's say Jolly nature), you're going to have 252 special attack, 252 speed, 4 special defense.
So let's remember two things. First, stats became odd while HP became even in gen Kingdra set up in the manner mentioned above will have the following stats:
291HP, 203 attack, 226 special defense, 227 defense, 289 special attack and 285 speed.
So okay. Now it's quicker, and that's nice. But it's also approximately thirty percent more frail, statistically. If Dragonite uses Dragonbreath on it, its going to have lower special defense to take the hit, and lower HP so that it takes fewer hits to die. What's more, the one stat it gets a boost in when jolly (speed) doesn't matter vs. Dragonite, because Kingdra already outspeeds it unless Dragonite itself is jolly. Dragonite's defenses are probably lower, that's true, so Kingdra's basically unmodified Dragonbreath will consequently do more to Dragonite.
Long story short: it just makes battles shorter. One critical hit can make or break a match. Hell, one switch can make or break a match. It used to be that Kingdra could make a mistake, eat a Dragonbreath from Dragonite and, barring paralysis, could rest and retreat. Nowadays, all it would take is a layer of spikes and/or toxic, and all you have to do is aim and pick off pokemon with hits that do between 60-80 percent of their health. Such damage is common even with non-super-effective attacks, and to me that's bad. Super-effective attacks are supposed to be part of the strategy; gimping pokemon's true stats is not.

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