Re: Itunes no longer accessible, please help

Hi Assault freak.

With itunes 12 I just couldn't find the playlists on my phone as I said. I went through the stupid trees but couldn't find anything, sinse it seems the sidebars from Itunes 11 that were used to read headings of the trees had vanished between versions and though i spent a good while (over half an hour), playing with what very very few options Apple gives for customizing the view I couldn't find anything that helped, the crappy peace of shite!

as to importing as I said, I checked the Itunes folder after importing a cd and nada. to be honest I hate all this media library stuff anyway, especially sinse it seems to be linked to this modern convention of chucking as much crap at the screen as possible, probably good for a sighted user, but useless for a blind person).

As I said I did go back to Itunes 11, however can I edit the playlists? can I buggery! I can see them, but can't delete, add to or anything else. I did the sink li brary thing, deleted everything off my phone and still! sod all! I have been trying to sort this for several days and am just plane sick of it, when all I dam well want to do is take some of the media folders off my computer, audiobooks and music, and bloody play them!
Well I've decided Itunes is more trouble than it is worth (and it isn't worth much), I'll look into buying a talking mp3 player sinse  that's all I wanted it for  anyway.

I'll still use the Iphone for games and phoning and such, but Apples stupid crap with media is just too much sodding trouble and I'm sick of poking around trying to get something to work just because I was silly enough to upgrade and Apple happened to kill the one helpful interface element.

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