Re: Cromibility

I'd love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they don't explain how it looks in a way that's very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesn't have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.

It's okay if you don't for what ever reason, I'll still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but it'd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know?  Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...

Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb er Monday sail, and Brad, I don't much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesn't feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why it's so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor that's made for running anything but pong.

Also, I watched that unboxing and, I'm pleasantly surprised about the 802.11AC, though I doubt it's dual band, and the USB 3.0 port, but I've got to say, I doubt that SSD is any faster than just good enough to be instantly snappy for almost all small tasks, so transfer speeds won't be quite so excellent as you may think with USB 3, though still probably quite fast, then again, the bigger stuff would be on the cloud, too...  So that means downloading, then transfering, also this thing doesn't come with ethernet I think, kind of disappointing, like I get it, it's a big old port in the way and it doesn't look that fancy, but they already have room for an extra USB 2.0, and I'm tired of manufacturers presuming that there will always be a working wireless signal with the right strength that you have secure access too at any location that you may use your computer at any given time.  No disk drive sure that makes perfect sense for this kind of computer, but not no ethernet, it's not just for stable connections on servers...  Also the SD thing? well I guess that's just 2 different ways of thinking, Acer thinks, why make more room inside, put the thing in, transfer, pop it back out but others are saying, put the sd in, leave it in, save things to it and only take it out sometimes, so have it flush, like my camera, also google probably considered the large copacity SD's and said, hell no! to people using that for deticated storage aposed to google drive...
I hate Celeron, first because it sounds like celifain, second because everyone knows it's simply the most obvious version of, slap the bare minimum newer components onto a shitty old processor that sucked even in it's own day to half assedly update it, give it a new model designation that's got a high letter and number combination compared to other products in the line to impress people, and call it new, but at least it does have a higher clock rate than I would have expected especially for the price, then again, that could be overcompinsation, and pentium and celeron do heat up fast, especially with no fan and that heat conducting plastic, unless, that's something else they did, rap it in some 3 cent thermal paste?
Hey what ever works I guess, I just hope it's not junk in a year, but what ever they did with these, it was a smart way to get rid of useless old CPUs.

Either way that's a hole lot for 150 or even 200 dollars, especially considering all the applications google has to offer, accessible or no, the HDMI 1.4 port and faster WiFi and transfering, long battery life, portability, and snappy response.

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