Re: Leasey has been released! Every JAWS user should have Leasey!

I think we can argue a whole lot about the fact that Leasey is basically, as victorious says, a crutch for beginning computer users. We can argue that it is an overpriced scam or that it might not be a scam but is still overpriced. And I do agree with the opinion that Leasey Advanced isn't very suited towards advanced computer users. But you  must remember that we on the forum are not the primary targets of the Leasey advertising. None of us here are beginning computer users, not remotely so. We should not be the people arguing about whether Leasey is useful for the people it is targeting. In fact, it is extremely difficult for the people who would probably end up buying leasey to know whether they need it before buying, because they would not be adept at self-evaluation when it comes to computer skills. I listened to the Leasey audio demo for Tech Talk and I feel that the program was marketed not only toward people who are inept at computer use, but peopl e who are in an older generation, perhaps the baby boomer generation. It is probably about the same age group that RNIB advertises Azibad games for; Dark should know. The similarity between the RNIB marketing azabid games and Hartjon Consultancy marketing Leasey is a stark one; both market targets are people who probably don't know better and are probably ignorant about the basic operations of the computer, and also are afraid of breaking something due to their ignorance. In fact, the Leasey audio demo I listened to mentioned that people who were likely to want to buy leasey would be afraid of breaking something, and would be extremely glad for the structured menus and the safe environment provided by Leasey Basic. In conclusion, I think you would really have to trial run Leasey with someone who was completely ignorant about computers in order to see its effectiveness. Finding a blind person who is completely ignorant about using a computer is hard enough. Finding one who is ol d enough to potentially benefit the most from Leasey, and who is willing to risk installing Leasey in the first place (remember, they are scared of doing anything that they are unsure of due to it breaking), is nigh on impossible.
Now I want to rip on the developers a bit because yeah, they kind of annoy me. I want to start with Lulu because she is, according to both Brian and herself, the brainchild of the project. I feel like she is pretty ignorant about using her computer. I have the feeling she can do basic things on it but I don't think she can do anything beyond that. I observed her absolute bubbling over with excitement when Brian asked her whether she was excited about the Leasey development process. In fact, her excitement seemed almost too energetic to be true. Her breath came faster, her voice got higher, and she kept on saying Leasey this and Leasey that in an articulate yet babbling stream of words, something that makes me want to doubt her enthusiasm. I defin itely think she could use help with computer tasks, but she is too good for Leasey. Even Leasey advanced is a crutch for computer users who don't know any better. And brian went along with it because yeah, he has to, because he is the catilyst. I am curious about the relationship between Brian and Lulu. Are they dating? That would explain a lot.
I have said so much negative stuff that I think I should end on a positive note. From what I heard on the demonstration of Leasey, there are a couple of actually good things in there. One thing that caught my attention was Leasey Tags, which allow you to select multiple files from multiple folders and copy them all to the clipboard at once. I don't know of other programs that can do that, and it integrates right into the windows explorer window. That is way cool, especially if you have a ton of different things in different folders that are all jumbled up and stuff and you want to cut them or delete them or something. And if t hings continue according to plan, the company plans to release Leasey spotify, which is actually good because yeah, I think accessible spotify is still hard to find. I think I remember reading on twitter somewhere it had either been released or was in the works, but it is so obscure nd you'd expect it to be floating around a lot more if it actually had been released. If Leasey can get in first on the Spotify front, it will definitely gain a lot of notability, and if it continues pushing to get more traditionally inaccessible apps accessible, it could grow into something really powerful and worth buying.
In conclusion, Leasey may, for now, be a scam, but if the developers keep on chuggin away at it like they have, it could grow into something great. So keep your eyes peeled, and check for user reviews from people who actually need Leasey. I have no idea where those testimonials on the website came from; they don't have any sources cited which makes it utterly impossib le to figure out who wrote them. Look for reviews by people from an older generation who are not good at computers.
[[wow]], I don't think I have ever written a longer post. Thumb me up if you're still awake.

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