Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

[[wow]] that elemental mage idea is cool, unfortunately though, last time I looked at the fire elemental's damage, speed and range well it just seemed insane, soI think unless that gets fixed a bit then the mage will just make it all even more overpowered.
If you did that, then I think bringing back magic missile for it's basic attack would be good, as well as, like you said, having an upgrade to make the mage be able to use spells from water, fire, air, and earth.

And I have played as elementals, I do know how long it takes to get a fire elemental, even so, the thing is basically unstoppable, I'm pretty sure it can even hit air targets.

Anyway, really liking the new races, only a few things to say about them, especially since I haven't played dark elves much yet.

1.  The supply tunnels can spawn inside walls if the wall is 2 units thick, I don't know if it's possible to prevent this...  But since the termites obviously can't fly, they can't get out and they just sit there sadly, missing the party.

2. Either the larva spawning building, or the larva them selves should really have a way to use rally to, I find my self missing that ability allot with this race.

3.  While I realize that the crab mentioned in the vermin race may mean something else in french, the fact that one of the types is shell shooter crab makes me think it's not, and that it really is a crab of some kind, to me, that doesn't make sense, with all the insects and such, I suggest having spiders instead, I mean, I feel like we have allot of flying insects, and that we're kind of missing out on the hole spider thing, which is always cool and creepy to have.
If a spider is added in place of the crabs, which I personally really hope it is, then I've thought of 2 skills that would be very cool for them, though I don't know if they are possible code w ise, but here they are.
Skill 1: A skill that lets the spider return to which ever is the closest building that makes them, maybe a spider nest? from anywhere on the map very quickly, using a string of web like a zip line.  Maybe this could be done by making the speed increase and then making the spider automatically return, taking only 0.25 seconds to move through each square on the way back, until they arrive for instance?
Another idea is to have them drop an anchor by starting the web spinning with 1 skill, then start spinning out a line of web that shows up as an invisible friendly unit behind them where ever they go, that goes away either if they die, or if they use it to return to where they put their anchor.
This would also be a cool way to tell if there was spiders near by. big_smile
skill 2:  A way to spin a web in the same square that makes all eno my units, including the spider since it has to hold it, either stop completely from attacking and moving for a certain amount of time, or just slow down allot to almost stopped, possibly by adding time to attack speed, and reducing movement speed? this way you could send in more units if you were fast enough, and attack them before they get out of the web, but either way the spider will probably die if any are left over, and it couldn't be too long because that wouldn't be fare.
It would also be cool if the spiders had upgrades to make them better like the crabs do now, especially if they all had venum, so that when ever they attacked a unit, it would start a decay factor that would last for a certain amount of seconds, and the more upgraded the spider was, the more damage it would do, and the longer and more powerful the decay would be, if that's possible.
I also realize that this mess's up the hole ranged attack unit thing, but, maybe that could be th e vermin weakness?  I mean they are supposed to be smaller right?  The mushrooms could always be replaced with something like a torantula? they fire barbed hairs...  Termites also spit acid.  To me those make more sense than shell throwing.  Just a thought though.
Another idea is to use the termite acid idea for ranged units, but also make the termites be able to be created anyware, not just tunnels, then, make the supply tunnel either have a skill that teleports all of the units in it's square to the other end of the tunnel, or, let a player load units into the termite nest, and they can go into the tunnel that way, unless the tunnel hasn't been created yet, and then they all go at once when it does get created.

4.  I think the musketos, sorry I don't know how to spell that, but rules.txt says they are called, moustique, in french, but anyway, I think they should have detectors, because that's how they find people, they see infrared light and smell blood, and I think maybe the firefly should keep it's ajacent square site, but not detector.  Though that's not really a huge deal if they keep it either, just throwing it out there.

5. I don't think any structures accept ones that are specifically trees, e.g. fruit trees, twinkling trees, honey trees, carniverus trees, voratious trees, and devowerar trees should be able to make stumps, so no termite nests, mud rooms, or mushroom galories, it just doesn't make much sense.
Also I was wondering if it would be possible to make the stumps generate where you want them in the square, like if I wanted to make a carniverus tree on a path to get units as they come in? or if I wanted to build an important building as far away from the opening to the square as possible, to give my units more time to kill the attacker before it got there? right now they all are in the middle, which is nice because they don't take u p any space, but at the same time it's limiting.

6. I think the dark archers should start out with detector, but not with invisible and rain of arrows, I think they should have to upgrade to something else to get that, they are quite cheap and the shack can upgrade to a villa quite fast, so they are very deadly against other players pretty early on in the game, too deadly, I think.  But that's just what I've seen so far, I've only played them like 5 times and against them like 3 times.

Bugs I noticed

I noticed that the new map PRA12, which, by the way is really fun looking, you make very good maps Praggma, has an error that kind of breaks pathfinding, the bridges every 5 units starting at c5, which I thought would only go to c35 since they didn't start at c1, go all the way to c40, so the map raps around, this means if your at c21, and you tell your units to go to c1, they will go from c21, to c40, instead of c21 to c 1.
But I know from experience that it's easy to fix and I already fixed my copy, I just thought I'd let you know.

Suggestions unrelated to this newest version.

1. Take the magnetic cannon out for the robots, we already have 1 cannon, the plasma cannon, even if it's not quite the same, we already have the laser and magnetic shooters for the job it's doing right now, and it makes it so there are more magnetic units than laser ones.
Replace it with a battle mech, possibly with it's own building, basically a giant walking robot, start it at 64 gold, for a small one, 96 for the small to medium upgrade, and 128 for  the medium to large upgrade.
I know that's not perfect base 12, but hard drive manufacturers do that all the time... big_smile
Anyway, my idea is to have each of them get 1 magnetic special attack, and o ne laser special attack, both of which take a while to recharge, and use kenetic for the normal attack.
So for instance, the small mech uses it's fists to smash things for it's normal attack, so it has to be close to the target to do it, and doesn't do a hole lot of damage, but still a good amount like maybe 10 damage per every 0.5 seconds? with a range of 2.0? but it's also the fastest hitting and walking mech, with a good amount of health but not great, like maybe 50, with 2.5 armor and enough space to hold 1 geek or shooter, and it takes a bit of time but not much to make, maybe 1  minute for this one?  doens't seem like much, but it still takes 64 gold, and all mechs should require the super computer.  For it's magnetic special attack, it has a needler, which is a pretty common SiFi weapon that uses magnetic energy to fire small, sharp, long needles of metal at very high speed and rate of fire, this could damage all units in a ce rtain  range, maybe 5.0? including buildings, over the span of 3 seconds, but not allot, like 9 damage on all units and 33 on buildings over all, so 3.0 on units per second and 11.0 on buildings per second, maybe? so it wouldn't hurt the strong races much but it would easily kill smaller units like peasants? for it's laser attack, it has a small but high powered laser beam that does maybe 250 damage over the span of 10 seconds, 25.0 per second, to only one target, so good on buildings...
I have ideas for the bigger ones too, like railguns or goss cannons, electromagnetic forcefield shields,  larger carrying capacity, rockets and flame throwers instead of fists, laser gatling guns and anti air lasers, etc.  I'd be happy to help with sounds as well, I use gold wave and audacity and I've done sounds for a few audio games before, I'm doing some for deathmatch right now, and I have high quality audio libraries at my disposal, as well as lots o f free and open source material from the internet.
I want to know if this could even be done first, or if people want to do it, I just think it would make the robots more of a match for the elementals and orcs, plus it would be amazingly cool, and I already have allot of the sounds here that would be easy to put together.

2.  Make the Massive tower able to detect invisible units and see other squares but not attack them of course, and remove that power from the teppy.  To me this makes more sense because this tower is so tall and theoretically full of guards, that it should be able to see other squares, as well as invisible units, it would also make orcs less easy to kill with invisible units right near the beginning of the game.  I also suggest taking detector away from the flying surpants, but that's not really vital to my idea, either, I just thought it might balance a bit better that way.

3. Make the troditionals priest upgradable to a war cleric that can fight with a mace and has a bit of armor, make temple require castle so the troditionals don't get those really powerful and fast Paladins so quickly, as well as giving the detector power to the campanile and beffroi, because the troditionals are quite vonerable to invisible attacks for a long time, and even though moving temple to castle will help with making them less overpowered, they will also need the detector even more, so this will help with that and makes sense anyway, it also means the campanile will have to stop relying on the temple, but I think this will help with a few things at once.
Also I was hoping that the catipolt could take more to make, I mean, it's quite powerful but the AI seems to be able to make loads and loads of them very quickly, and I find it strange that they only take 5 wood when they are supposed to be big, I suggest they take maybe 20 gold and 10 wood? or something near there, I know they don't do allot o f damage and they are slow, but they are basically movable cannon towers, and that's quite powerful, especially considering that they don't take very long to make and don't require any upgrades to get as good as they can be.

Things I like about this version.

The new races, obviously, big_smile
They are both awesome, the elves with there cool invisible units and powerful ambush tower, and especially the vermin because they are so unique in how you do things, such as needing only wood for everything, the way the unit and building production works, the sneak attack supply tunnels, the survival faramoan,  all the unit upgrades...
I think it's the best done race yet honestly.

The insect movement sounds and attacking tree sounds are both very cool, and also creepy... lol

The new towers are neat because they give you 2 branching choices for everything, and you can have towers that are even more powerful than before, but they also take more time to get, I especially love the orc one where units can go inside it for protection, that's just so cool and such a unique idea, I mean it makes allot of sense, but it's a stroke of genius to just come up with it like that out of the blue.

As soon as it gets fixed, I think PRA12 is going to be really fun, and I look forward to everyone being able to use it like I can with my corrected copy.

In fact if anyone wants to know how to fix it, I'll put it in the next post, I doubt most people would have read this hole massive post to the end... big_smile

Anyway, I really appreciate your guys work on this, and please take my suggestions into consideration, feel free to ask for clarification about any of my ideas, a nd that offer of help with sounds for a battle mech also extends to upgrading some of the lower quality ones that are in the mod currently, if you wish.

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