This is just to let people know, Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned creator of the Diskworld series as well as author of many other books died today.

I won't say it is a surprise, sinse anyone who knows much about the man behind the disc will have heard of his suffering early onset alzheimers' disease, and I will confess that his very last Discworld novel, raising steam felt less polished than his other books, for all that it was an awsome celibration of everything discworld with cammios by everyone from the city watch to Rincewind.

I will admit I find myself sadder than I would've expected. I've never counted myself an absolute discworld fan, but the books were always there to have fun with, right from when I first started on Discworld at the age of twelve, albeit I got rather sick of Discowlrd so often being the only fantasy series available in audio.

either way over the last few years (and more important during my huge reread of the hole disc saga two years ago), I actually found myself recognizing how valuable something written for fun was, indeed by an ironic twist of faith I was reading up on the Discworld mud just last night, indeed I might see about writing some sort of tribute for

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