Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Firstly, I humbly and respectfully submit the following to those who believe that all roads lead to heaven; you wouldn't board a flight to France to go to Australia, would you?  Of course not, because not all flights land in Australia.  Even if they start in that general direction, they don't all necessarily go there.  If all roads lead to heaven, then why, praytell, do all of the major  religions differ if only ever so slightly?
Second, God does not hate gay people.  He hates their actions, the same as hating the actions of heterosexuals who engage in sexual acts outside of marriage.  Sex outside of marriage is seen as a sin, and since God meant for the traditional marriage to contain a male and a female, for two males to commit something that is clearly against God's plan is a direct violation of his clear instruction given to man from the very beginning according to Genesis chapter 2.  Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one.
Homosexuality is, in all regards, man's decision to disregard this instruction.  It is a stand against God, against his decree that such an act is an abomination, and yet he does not reject anyone until he himself is rejected, allowing salvation and forgiveness through his son Jesus Christ for any and every sin.
Of course this brings us back to the discussion that has fueld countless debates both on and off of this forum and which will continue for an unforeseeable amount of time, why Christ?  Why not something else?  Many hints have been given; countless evidence has been presented, and humanity remains Skeptical as the profets predicted centuries ago, and yet when we take much of what the world has become and study it through the lense that Jesus himself gave us in the pages of the new testament, we find that we are not surprised by the chaos and turmoil we have inherited.  I o nce heard of a nonChristian individual who asked, "What is this world coming to?"  To which his Christian friend calmly replied, "Exactly what Jesus said it would."

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