Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

If the bible is not the inspired word of God, then I can agree with the above post.  I can also shrug off any commitments I have in life including my marriage because, well, why not!  If there is a God who is unchanged, constant, persistent through all of time as we know it as well as before and beyond, there must be an ontic referent, a foundation to which we can return without fail, assuming that he even wants a relationship with us and that we want to establish one with him, else how would we at all get to know him, given the many views that are circulated throughout the world?  If this god is a god that changes with the seasons, then none of us need him anymore than we need human interaction, something we have proven we can live without even though we desire it, because he is no better than you or I or anyone else in this world.  He could choose to be loving one day, hateful the next, and what kind of god what he honestly be?  He would not be perfect, for perfection does not require change.  He would not be holy, for holiness would be lost with his righteousness, and that would change with him.  If one thing is right one day and wrong the next, he can't be any better at determining right from wrong or telling us what is good and bad in this world anymore than I can tell you that eating a sandwitch bought at your nearest fastfood joint is good or bad for you.  He is no better at establishing his authority over us because he is externally affected and changed by anything and everything, his existence altered so that he cannot be the same god entirely.  Why rely on such a god?
No, the god I serve is not affected by what I think of him, nor is he affected by what I do for him.  He does not make exceptions for me or anyone else, nor does he honestly need me to believe in him to exist.  You can say that my faith is in vain, can say that is possesses no reason or rationality, that I have traded in any greatness that I could have accumulated by turning my back on it for something I cannot prove to you or anyone else, but when I consider the alternatives, wen I compare time as I know it to eternity, I realize that everything I do in the world I know is just everything I've done and that it matters not once I'm gone, because everything else and everyone else who could establish it and imortalise it and turn it into anything worth discussing it will die just as I will, passing on with the age into nothingness, all for nothingness.  That is, in my opinion, a rather bleak vision that can only be overcome by a god powerful enough to overcome it.  Such a god would have to be just, have to reign supreme over all, his sovereignty unchanging, his majesty never wavering, his love and passion evident even in his judgement, his grace and mercy prevailing from beginning to end regardless of people or places or ideas.  Long and hard did I fight against this idea, pr oclaiming that there was no truth to it.  A year ago, my life changed and I discovered that no reason to believe was the very reason to believe.  I also discovered that truth cannot be modified to fit what one wants and wishes to hear.  It cannot be altered if it is to remain true.  Just as changing perfection renders it imperfect, so too changing truth turns it into a lye.  In the end, what one believes does not make it any more true than what anyone else believes.  Truth remains truth regardless, and if there is a god, a true god, then I once again, humbly submit, that we cannot all be right.

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