Re: Owning a dog - Is it a good idea?

Hadi, I am assuming by your message you are talking about a pet dog not a service animal. If so having one in your situation could be a little challenging.

For one thing most apartments I have ever lived in have pet ownership rules and regulations and you would need to look into those before doing anything else. For example, some apartment owners say no pets allowed, and others are quite specific what breeds of dogs they will and won't allow based on general temperament, size, etc. So before you can even think about getting a dog you need to know if there are restrictions if any on getting one.

Assuming you are allowed a dog not having a grassy area for it to use to go to the toilet is going to be problematic. Obviously, you will have to take it out roughly every three or four hours to go to the toilet and it is easier if there is some grass to use. If not be prepared to scrape its pooh off the sidewalk with a plastic scoop and deposit it in a plastic disposable b aggy. That is no fun, but doable.

Something else to consider is if  you are getting a dog as a pet that means it will be totally untrained. Speaking from experience it is a good idea to take it in for some sort of basic obedience training because you want it to learn at least some basic commands such as sit, stay, lay down, heal, and leave it. That last is especially important because dogs, especially untrained dogs, are curious and will chase a cat, another dog, go into a barking fit, or something else because they are easily distracted. That's the last thing you want to happen while taking it on a walk so you need to be able to tell it "leave it" so he or she will know to leave it alone and hopefully ignore whatever it is that has the dog's attention. That doesn't always work, but it is better than no training at all.

As far as which breed to get that is a personal decision in my opinion. I have owned several dogs over the years and had a few different breeds, and without knowing your pet policy I hesitate to start making suggestions. However, by and large it is personal preference, and a lot has to do with what kind of dog you want. Do you want something big or small? Do you want one that has fur or hair? Do you want one that is lazy or active? All of those options will help narrow down the kind of breed that is right for you.

For example, take the subject of fur verses hair. Not a lot of non-dog owners realize that some dogs have actual hair similar to a humans that needs to be trimmed. Such breeds include Poodles and Bichons. It is very soft, but is difficult to maintain because it has to be cut by a qualified dog groomer, constantly brushed, and is very high maintenance. If you think that is too expensive or too much like work you will want a dog with fur which falls out or can be brushed out on a regular basis. The down side of fur is that because it falls out it gets all over your carpet, on your furnitur e, clothes, and becomes a hassle to keep cleaned up. So you need to decide which you are more willing to put up with as a dog owner.

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