Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Video games are, arguably, the next major type of literature to hit the market. Over time, literature has, broadly speaking, become much more immersive. Speaking of immersion, we can define it as the belief in an absolute reality. When one believes, they live their life according to that belief. So when a gamer has entered that state of immersion, his mind set is completely in tune with the created world. Varying levels of imersion are possible depending on how long the gamer has been playing, the emotional investment put into the game, and the quality of the game's sensory elements (currently audio, pictures and limited haptic feedback (I.E. Force Feedback)). I have watched let's-play videos of horror games, where people were screaming in real terror due to the sense of immersion the game created for them.

Now for the question: Is this possible if the player of the game is blind? I have yet to see an audio game provide that feeling of full immersion. Audio soundsc apes can be extremely detailed, but that is all that most audio games have ever provided. Some of them offer force feedback support if one uses a joystick. I haven't experienced this though. To those who have, does it increase the sense of immersion in a game, or is it feel more like a cheesy afterthought?

The answer: I believe that if one could hook as thoroughly into another of the core  4 senses (if we assume sight is not one) as they have done in audio, there could be really progress. It is sad to say that most audio games do not take advantage of the sophisticated audio technology that is available. Only a few games use any kind of 3d sound, and very few can simulate the dynamics of various environments (I can really think of less than 5 games that do this). My first thought was smell. Smell is the most stimulating sense of the five that a person has. The power of smell to recall memories has been proven time and time again by science. However, smell needs a way to make itself seem believable, if it is to help, instead of hinder, the goal of immersion. I believe the only way to achieve the required level of immersion is through a mental link.

What do you think? Is full immersion possible? Do you think that we can achieve immersion through sound alone? Do you believe that being born blind could allow one to be immersed more easily? Answer these and more below!

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