Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Ah, Jayde.  Honestly, while we may have disagreed on various other topics regarding other situations, I can hardly disrespect your precise points and ability to counter with ideas that expand the barriers of the discussion in question.  for me, personally, Leasey is an insult to the blind community, an attempt to shelter and simultaneously provide distraction from all that exists for one to obtain.  My oppinions are not without base though, you have my word on that.  Had I not seen many JAWS users at work with their PC's, myself included, I would not be making such statements.  I can say that, because there were tons of browser based games that I played back before I switched to NVDA that I had built configuration files for with JAWS, and one of the things that turned me off most with NVDA was that many of the options available in what is now the JAWS settings center or whatever that thing is called now and which previously existed as the configuratio n manager were not available to make my life easier.  We are, habitual creatures at best, really friggin lazy at worst, and I think the best example that I can use to prove that point is both windows and Linux communities.  Where windows users might require that a system be simplistic for its average user, Linux users generally tend to go looking for answers on their own unless they are entirely new to it.
I suppose you could say that JAWS users are not all the same, just as windows and Linux users are not all the same, and that this seems more like a blanket stereotype rather than a factual statement, and you might be right.  I don't have enough resources at present to actually research how consumers are using their screen readers and other assistive technology.  Since I do hate making stereotypes though, I use myself as best I can in every situation along with the people I know personally who are JAWS users and who cannot back away from my statements without having to admit that I am right about their JAWS usage.  I was, and to some degree, still am a JAWS user, to the point that I have a fully licensed coppy of JAWS.  I watch its development closely, and I'll even go so far as to say that I miss the days that began with JAWS 4.5 and, for me, at least, ended with roughly JAWS 8 or 9, where progress seemed to be evident, where things were obviously being done.  Features were added in that would benefit everyone, not just a select few.  The voice of the community as a whole seemed to matter, not just the word of those who had been tight with the screen reader for years on end.  I don't really feel that this is the case any longer, which is why I made the statement about a screen reader not being an operating system on top of your operating system.  I was skeptical beyond belief about NVDA and honestly I don't know that I would have ended up using it as my primary screen reader had it no t been for the fact that financially back in 2011 I was desperate and had no choice. This, from an individual that considered himself open minded and came to the harsh realization that he was not as openminded as he thought he was.  When I told my friends about NVDA and how it would ultimately be as good as, if not better than JAWS at some point, they all laughed at me and refused point blank to use it, because most of them already had JAWS, and the sad thing was, I couldn't blame them for thinking and feeling the way they did, because I had felt and thought the same way, too.
But times have changed and that statement has proven true to some degree.  NVDA is on par now with both JAWS and window eyes to the point that practically all of the screen readers are copying features off of each other rather than truly being innovaters as apple was with the iPhone back in o7.  I'm not going to bring up the numbers and start a debate on which screen reader has co pied more features from another; that's for another discussion.  The point I'm trying to make is simply that habits are hard to break, and a package of scripts with as much functionality as Leasey has to offer rears ugly habbits.  The writing within the webpages dedicated to Leasey has done nothing to convince me that this was not the intended purpose for the sake of staying in business.  Perhaps the real problem lies within the words themselves.  Often times it has been my belief that we should be careful when trying to communicate a message to people because the message we are trying to convey may be misinterpreted if we are not careful of our words.  Some people will take and disassemble and rework the words for their own personal gain, I suppose, and such things cannot be helped regardless what you say.  If you can believe me whatsoever, I assure you that was not my intention and that I am merely stating what I see and why I see it the way I see it.  Whoa, I think I just broke my brain with that last statement, so I hope someone gets something out of it, even if only a laugh. :d
Either way, we have digressed plenty of times on here regarding the topic at hand, which was not my intention either, so back to your regularly scheduled posting, peoples.

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