Re: Windows 7 and 8 Now Getting The Spyware Treatment

Hi sebby and all.
Well this is the problem.
Potential privacy concerns have come up and ms is being monitered by several governments world wide.
THe same stuff happened with google and facebook.
And adjusting your privacy settings where possible is the key.
That aside a sharade is in fact what it is.
What is privacy.
Sertainly privacy is keeping yourself private.
If you have windows xp or earlier and never use the net then you are private.
With all the clouds and the net as it is right now, privacy is some what muted at this point.
By being online I am broadcasting my country and city generally, yess I can tell sites not to track me but I am still broadcasting that info.
When I use gmail, I loose info, same with dropbox etc.
WHen you search for something you loose the info you search for, someone loggs that windows asside.
When you subscribe to anything or pay for something even with paypal, your info goes somewhere.
Even your most personal info is probably stored on a cloud somewhere.
A lot of your info is on public record.
So your location, your full address in some cases, your email.
You want updating tiles of info weather reports, location based gps, maps and other junk?
You want one drive or access to cloud services.
And you want all this for little cost.
Guess what that doesn't come cheap.
So you loose your info, you gain more than you loose and while yes the bad guys use the same ways its not like they wouldn't find you if they really wanted to.
Ok with that said there are some things you can do.
1. your default settings are not the best, they are just defaults.
Both for you and security etc you really do need to change those you want to or need to change.
Personalised info and adds, well having done marketing level2 in uni its all part of the business game.
You actually want people to buy your stuff.
In turn you want to keep your consumers coming for more of your stuff.
I have several department stores which send me specials and other adds via mail.
I have club cards with these.
So yeah they have all my private data, I can still choose to accept the stuff I  want.
Sometimes I do if needed, sometimes I don't sometimes I just come in and look.
Ok, with that out the way, there are 2 issues with the new approach.
If a company does not manage security well or sells info or something bad then yeah its bad.
Though I wouldn't worry about ms, google or facebook doing this any time soon.
Since we are a big part of their business jepidising that business is a no brainer you don't do it.
Stopping pirated software, was one thing people did wander about.
And from being a pirate in the late 90s early 2000s I can safely say that with the amount of low cost to free software, from office to email clients while piracy still exists its not like the fight against the system back in the day.
Music, well if you stay with the mainstream, don't buy the cheaper disks etc then well.
Buying direct seems to be cheaper and this can go for books to, shop round.
Back to software like windows though even your feadback and error reports send info.
Even by sending this forum a post I am sending sertain info.
By being online I am sending info and yes by my vary existance info from time to time is sent.
Ok now if you stupidly post stupid things or become a terrorist, or pirate an large amount of something enough to piss someone off its not my problem really.
Generally while many collect your info no one is interested brousing everything its not feesable anyway and why would you do it.
What we should be concerned about is the spam, so called anti spy and other programs from this.
I will now give you examples of a couple things to demonstrate my points.
1.  I think it was b ack in 2003 maybe 2006 I forget there was a news item on the google street view and google maps and gps showing people's houses explaining they could be easily robbed.
There were concerns about privacy, yet we all use gps, and google maps on a daily basis.
THe same with facebook youtube and google generally came up.
And while there were issues to fix, security to update and settings on the user end to set, and in some case settings to impliment by those in charge it was fixed.
Another thing happened in y2k.
Yes the world will end bbecause of computers not recognising the date right.
Loads of supposedly good programs came in to fix this some costing cash.
In the end it turned out that manufacturers had been aware of this 4 years previous to y2k and had fixed the issue.
For those that didn't some like toshiba previded drivers for their systems for that issue to be resolved.
This is just another of these things.
I know in 7 an d maybe 8 ms collect diagnostic info about your hardware, etc and makes sure stuff is working right.
How to avoid privacy issues.
You can avoid most of the issues in fact by not using your ms account all the time.
However if you have a twitter, facebook and or a mobile device, apple, android and such you are allready in the cloud.
You will have set your settings right to.
If in doubt get a password manager like keepass and maybe a auto fform filler like roboform which is good.
Firefox and noscript is good to full control.
So in conclusion, sure be concerned about this new whatever it is don't be complacent.
But don't join the scare waggon either.
Remember when the cloud was just an experiment, this has barely been a couple months of win 10 people and allready everyone is up in arms.
I tell you now by the end of the year or early next year it will be under the bridge.
And ms and others will get feadback and ms is listen ing to it.
Learn your os and adjust it accordingly.
If you are one of those that don't use the cloud, twitter, gmail, gps, or an advanced smart phone chances are you  are allready in someone elses cloud.
Controling who has access to it is the issue and will dominate this space for years to come, as each new technology comes up the same things come up from privacy to security.
And remember everyone is human here.
Oh and remember your do not spy software may be loaded with malware itselff.
I did donate early in the week on a bit of anti spying software, but in the end chose to not install it because of reviews saying it was loaded with adds, trogens and crypto lockers.
Sadly anything like the current techno drama brings out all the bad guys to.
Wait for it to simmer down a bit and the truth, the real truth will come out.
And well if it doesn't it will be hell to pay for someone, that doesn't happen to often of late.
Just remember that secure and private may not mean secure and private.
I listen to a radio show on local radio each saturday with a tech segment and learn a lot of info through that is the show link to that.
This will be all I post on here.
the same thing came up on the nvda list some time back.

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