
Thanks for the well thought out response.

-Except that some froth is necessary to commercial success, even in
high-end gear. :-)-

Of course you are right, remote control and other luxuries that I
wouldn't leave out are all part of the 'problem' as well as part of the
practical solution.

My post was partly aimed to provoke - I always find it interesting when
people see particular features as being 'audiophile' as if by some magic
they automatically enhance a product, when in most cases they don't and
can even make it worse. You can make most things sound good, but only
if they are well-designed, just throwing parts at something (like
special caps, expensive connectors etc.) are no guarantee of
performance. You have to know when, where and how to use them.

Most big heavy RCA plugs for example sound far worse than some of the
cheaper varieties. The best by far are the ludicrously flimsy but
lightweight and highly conductive 'Bullet' plugs, in my experience.

You can't get away from the problem though that the more features one
adds, the more work it usually results in - VFD's, fast CPU's doing
lots of work, wireless modules etc. all add up to an EMC situation
that's anathema to good audio.

It's hard to shut down the micro though in a device that's
fundamentally micro-controlled though, so it's just something that has
to be dealt with. It's not impossible, but it adds cost that gives you
no benefit whatsoever in terms of sound and adds work just to enable
you to keep stationary, before you even try to progress forward
sonically.  It's all part of the fun of engineering!

But 'the high end' is as much about appearance, looks and labels, in
many cases, as it is about sound quality, with a few exceptions. To
some it's a status symbol to be displayed - to me I'd like a tiny
invisible box that only draws attention to itself by dint of the music
it plays, rather than the room-dominating rack of kit I currently own


Andrew L. Weekes
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