Yannzola Wrote: 
> Sean,
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries? A la Vinnie Rossie? I'd be
> curious to know how this compares jitter-wise to Andy's super regs PSU
> mod.
> y.

Yes, I am using a 12V SLA battery.  A LT1086CT-5 5V regulator is used
for the 5V that feeds the SB2's main voltage input.  I am also feeding
the 12V off the battery directly into the SB2, as a replacement for the
14V internal switching supply that feeds the critical 5V and 3.3V
internal regs that power the DAC, SPDIF, etc.  I have plenty to post
about all of this soon, but for now let me say that the improvement is
amazing!  I have modded the analog output stage as well, and the
results are telling me that an external dac is not needed now! :-)

Slim Devices certainly has a nice product here (at an affordable
price), but it can be taken to a whole new level of performance with
mods, which I am planning to offer soon.  Now, back to listening for

Vinnie R.

Vinnie Rossi
Red Wine Audio, Inc.
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