m1abrams Wrote: 
> Question, I read the entire thread but it does not really say much about
> how the SB2 was connected.  Was it via Analog, or via SPDIF.  If SPDIF
> to which DAC was used?  Also what was the source format?  I assume
> Analog connections would make sense as to why a modded SB2 and better
> Power Supply would sound so much better.  But why do that?  Why not
> just connect it to a really decent DAC?

By running direct from the modded Squeezebox 2 direct to a pair of good
amps, you are getting rid of many mechanical connections, solder
connections, and LOTS of parts. All of which affect the signal passing
through them.

In the system we described, there was one Sonicap between the DAC chip
and the power amp. The power amps are DC coupled.

To our ears, this was the best sound. I do tend to feel that keeping
the signal path as simple and pure as possible will result in the best
sound. Up until I heard the modded Squeezebox 2 in the system last
night, I believed that a tube preamp was needed to get the sound I
like. No more.

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