cbemoore Wrote: 
> Since we're referring to the analog outputs, I assume you mean a
> standalone power amp, not a DAC?
oops - edited

> If I connect the SB2 to a preamp and on to my power amp, the *only*
> thing the preamp does is control the volume. Since volume is already
> controlled in the SB2, it makes sense to remove the preamp completely,
> and connect the SB2 direct to the power amp. This makes the signal path
> much cleaner, and to my ears at least, it sounds much better. 
The thing is... it actually doesn't! The SB2 has a very low noise floor
down around -120db. However when you reduce the signal level, the noise
floor doesn't change so your SNR becomes effectively worse. Less
signal, same noise == less SNR. That's why a fixed analog attenuator
set your maximum listening range is the cleanest way to go - it
attenuates the signal and the noise together, meaning that the noise
floor in your amplifier is the limiting factor (which it might be
anyway, in which case you're right and all this is moot).

> It also cuts down on the number of boxes, cables and power sockets in
> my system, which is always nice....

I agree. It is also easier to set up and doesn't require buying or
soldering together an attenuator.

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