This might sound goes.

I noticed tonight that my a couple of albums in my "sleeping playlist"
sounded like garbage.  It's hard to describe exactly...sort of warbly? 

At the time I was listening to an album from Itunes.  I made a mental
note to rip the quality of their mp3's (and lack of support for
lossless) in my blog in the morning and moved on to the next album. 
This one was an mp3 album also but from another site.  It sounded
"better" but maybe not really.

Soo...I moved on to albums I have ripped in flac.  And it was
noticeably better but still "off".  At this point it's driving me
insane.  And I suddenly think, could it be the volume level I have the
squeezebox set to?  Sure enough I have it maxed out, so I lowered it to
20 and upped my stereo volume to compensate.  

Now even the garbage from itunes sounds "better" although it's
painfully obvious that I need to replace the albums with true lossless

I don't confess to know much about electronics, or even the hardcore
side of being an audiophile.  I love music, I have a crapload of it,
and in time I'd like to feel that I've got quality bang for my buck
equipment and speakers and plenty of money left over to buy more music.
I'll never touch the level of expertise or interest that you guys

Is it possible the the maxed volume setting on the SB2 wss contributing
to the problem or am I just losing it at 11:32PM?  If that is the case,
any tips on how to maximize my listening pleasure?

Sorry if this is misinformed or way off the wall...


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