On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 06:22 -0700, Fifer wrote:
> > . I know I haven't used headphones for serious listening in
> > at least thirty years.
> > 
> Pat, I think that disqualifies you from comment. ;) Headphone
> technology and quality today is unrecognisable from that of 30 years
> ago. It's a commonly held viewpoint that decent headphones can deliver
> sound quality that you would have to pay 5 to 10 times more on to match
> with speakers. 

What part is unrecognizable? Good headphones have sounded very good
and were lots cheaper than amps and speakers. I see that Koss is
still selling the Pro4-AA that I used thirty years ago.

The cool part of headphone technology is that you only need a handful of
watts to drive any of them. And making a flea powered amp is tons
easier (and lots cheaper) than one that puts out hundreds of watts.

And if I need only a couple of watts, tubes is the way to go.

> There are also some stunning headphone amp designs
> around. 

No argument from me. I have fifteen or twenty pairs of headphones
that I use all the time in my recording studio. I currently 
prefer the Sennheiser HD-280. There are lots of good ones.

But when I listen to music seriously, I don't use headphones.

Pat Farrell         PRC recording studio

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