Mike Hanson Wrote: 
> I actually like Blue Circle quite a bit, and I would strongly consider
> it, if I was in the market again.  I've not heard the Bel Canto, so
> I'll keep an eye out for it.
> -=> Mike Hanson <=-

I took home a Sonic Frontiers SFD-1 MKII over the weekend and I swear I
couldn't hear any difference between it and the SB2's native dac. This
disappoints me. Either my ears aren't golden enough, there's a severe
weakness in my system, or a 1997 $2500 tube dac sounds the same as a
2005 solid state one. Aaaargh!

I'm leaning toward the Scott Nixon. My room is fairly 'live' already
with wood floors, glass and wood coffee tables, leather furniture, and
some large ceiling-to-floor windows. So I think a tube dac makes sense
IF it can be counted on to warm up the sound a little. Again, I'm the
Krell guy and the Krell and Thiels don't bother me in this environment,
but a Benchmark Dac1 may be overdoing it a bit.

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