seanadams Wrote: 
> Also, any opinions as to whether plextor drives are really that much
> better than the others these days? They earned a good reputation early
> on, but AFAICT all CD drives are now equally good at ripping.
Here's one anecdotal bit of evidence:

I have a Plextor PX712A, and have always felt it was really good at
ripping. I particularly like all the facilities in Plextools. However,
the other day my daughter asked me to rip one of her CDs, and it was in
really terrible condition. There was a scratch on *both sides* of the
disc (must have got snagged between something), and I could see that
the actual data layer had been damaged. In attempting to rip it in the
Plextor, it failed on the last track (where the worst damage was). Even
switching off error detection didn't help. The Plextor always ended up
reporting "read error", whether I used Plextools or EAC.

I then put it in the LG4521 drive (a DVD-ROM/CDRW combo) in my wife's
PC, and EAC managed to read that one track (in secure mode). It took
about 95 minutes to rip just the one track, and there were lots of
"sync errors" and "suspicious positions" reported, but at least we got
a usable rip in the end.

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