Pat Farrell said the following on 26/11/2005 23:30:
> On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 15:18 -0800, Cleve wrote:
>>  I don't know why anyone would mess with FLAC or other
>>lossless compressions unless they're just plain into codecs.   
> It isn't to save disk space, which as you say, is nearly free.
> Flac and other formats include very important things like
> error detection and tags so you can know the artist/
> album/song.
> And since FLAC is free and supported by all squeezeboxes,
> the only downside is a small amount of time once after
> ripping to compress and tag.

And not even that if you have EAC set up right to rip, convert, *and*
tag in one operation.


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

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