Heuer Wrote: 
> OK I'm back. Figures are as follows:
> My voltage is 243.9v
> Frequency is 49.9hz
> SB3 is consuming 5/6 watts, 0.04 amps, 9VA, PF of 0.61
> The SB3 was on Random Play, digital coax out, volume control at
> maximum, display medium size text. Actually with the SB3 in standby the
> figures are the same but then it would be as it is the PSU I am really
> measuring so the actual SB3 consumption would be less. Non-linear power
> supplies are about 95% efficient so I reckon the figures are about
> right.

If the SB3 is drawing 6 watts, I don't see how a 1 amp power supply
will be sufficient. I'm not an electrical engineer, but I am assuming
that the SB3 will use slightly less power if either the headphone jack
or the analog jacks are not in use (your case), although I would be
suprised if it put out more than 1 watt RMS into either under load.

Even so, adding another watt to the sum brings our total to 6 - 7

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