You're absolutely right my fault - i was typing fast and 
botched it completely: I had *meant* to write:
4.37 -- 4.70 voltage range *not* 1.4x.
My guess was that because the Allied unit I got
was low by over 10% from the spec of 5.0V,
this led to the flickering when it powered
the SB3.  I hope that a replacement unit 
will provide a full-fledged 5.0V  (I measured
the switching PSU that came with the SB3,
and it was putting out 5.13-5.08 V, consistently.

tyler_durden Wrote: 
> I think your numbers are off somewhere.  The specs page on the SB3
> hardware says it uses a 5VDC minimum 1A power supply.
> TD
> TD

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