crooner Wrote: 
>  The mids, however, are another story. Much smoother, with less grit. A
> definite improvement, IMHO.
> There's no going back to the stock switcher. I butchered it for the
> cable and connector. Couldn't find a suitable one locally. Besides, I
> was lazy to go to RadioShack after a long day of work ;-)
> I have a question: do you leave your supply constantly on?

The radioshack N connectors are crap. I bought a pack of two and one of
the solder tabs broke off before I had it put together. The other one's
just sitting here, because I found a hub's power supply lying around
with a heavier guage wire than SB's, and a heavier duty 'N' connector.
Snip. I plan to custom make a cord when I can get the switchcraft
connector, and also a power cord when I can afford the hospital grade
plugs. My IEC inlet (and case) came from a PC's switching supply, and
needs to be upgraded to 15 amp. The IEC makes noise through the
speakers when I wiggle the male connector, and that can't be good. 

I turn mine off at the surge protector it's connected to if I'm not
going to listen that day, just for peace of mind. I'm sure I'll get
over that, because it doesn't even get warm when the SB is off. I have
a tube amp, so leaving my stereo on for 72 hours straight is not
unusual. Even during those stretches it's never gotten what could be
considered warm, especially compared to the amp or even most wall

My Power One is surplus, and came with a varistor attached to the AC
input. Since I plug it into a protector, i just removed it for now. My
next step is to make a power conditioner because the house I'm in has
antiquated electrical. I read a DIY article on how to make a Shunyata
power strip, with a varistor and some x-caps for around $50 :) I'm
thinking I might be able to wire it directly to the AC input of my PS,
where the varistor was.

Clean AC can't be underestimated. The linear supply keeps me smiling
because of the increased focus in the microdynamics. It's almost as if
a spotlight were shone on the strange little noises my favorite artists
love including in albums. A lot of the noises now go up and away from
the listener, rather than sounding like they're simply background
noises that fade in/out. I never heard height or depth from my
soundstage like I do now. Eg, on My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts by David
Byrne and Brian Eno, in the first song there is a real push-pull dynamic
going on between the rear and front of the soundstage. I had listened to
the cd repeatedly before, and had heard all the same noises, but they
never grabbed my head and took control, like they do now.  With a
switching supply, the effects fade in/out without much ado, and I end
up focusing on the left to right qualities of the soundstage. It's not
that I'm hearing things I never heard in my albums, but rather, hearing
things presented in a more interesting way. Don't get me started on how
good Nine Inch Nails the Fragile sounds..

|Filename: power_s.jpg                                              |

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