
Nice rig, by the way.  The short answer is this: if you're using the
coax output to an external DAC that completely re-clocks the incoming
signal, then all of this stuff, including power supply questions, is

Other stuff: look up the well-know Bay Area Audiophile Society blind
test of power cords.  Even with a sales rep present and extolling the
virtues of kilo-buck power cords, over the course of a day audiophile
listeners never really scored better than 50% in guessing the
audiophile cord over a stock IEC cord.

But the best thing about that review isn't the power cord.  It's the
Bybee filter.  When you see those two words together...and can see
someone who has been taken for a ride, wants to be taken for a ride, or
wants to take you for a ride.

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