JJZolx Wrote: 
> Yes, I'm questioning the opinion.  Are you serious?  From some of your
> other posts, you seem to have good ears.  Is it your opinion that the
> $8 chip in a DAC accounts for so much of its characteristic sound that
> you may as well junk every DAC made more than a couple years ago?  I've
> never seen an even remotely similar opinion statement from an
> audiophile, so it raises an eyebrow.  Strike that - something remotely
> similar would be "the CDPs of the early eighties were crap compared to
> those of today".  Big difference in the march of technology over two
> decades.  I find it preposterous that anyone would think the same of
> the progress made in only a several year period.
> That's the sort of thing you read from an engineer that dables in
> audio.  If the spec looks good on paper and on a scope, then it must
> sound better, right?

I haven't heard enough systems/done enough mods to say I have good
ears, but I know what I like; non-fatiguing sound. I'm getting that in
spades through the analog outs (after upgrading the PS). I've heard 20k
setups that made me want to run away and listen to my SB some more.

It's not the particular chip I'm in love with, or output stage/power
supply/caps/wiring/connectors/etc.etc, but the amount of jitter
arriving at the chip, and the simplicity of the system that can be
built around it. The engineer may not be an audiophile, but his
attention to jitter payed off, IMO. I'm _guessing_ a few well chosen
modifications would render the opinion in question somewhat more valid,
but at that level it would be like saying vanilla ice cream smokes

I only brought it up because it was pertinent to ezkcdude's guess, and
yes it was mostly tongue in cheek. It's true that I wouldn't be
qualified to guess, I wasn't even into hi fi two years ago. Am I
officially kicked out of the audiophile club?

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