opaqueice wrote:
> Fair enough...  although now I can't help wondering if the volume
> difference could account for this, as small differences in volume can
> make a big difference in perceived quality.  

It is more than that. Louder is always (nearly always?)
interpreted by the brain as better.

If you don't volume match, there is no point
in doing the test.

And if one approach has boost (gain) in some parts
of the frequency domain, those parts will usually
sound 'better'.

>> One theory I heard had to do with the current induced by the large
>>woofers not settling instantaneously. A woofer has too much momentum to
>>just stop on a dime. So the undesired, unintended movement induces a
>>current that gets fed back into the signal path.

Isn't this normally called "back EMF"
as the generated voltage from the speaker coils
feeding back into the amp's output impedance.


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