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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?
- yes
- no
- maybe

Skunk Wrote: 
> The glare on the screen doesn't bother me much. It helps demonstrate
> the readability of the high quality display.

Hi All,

Thanks for your comments on this topic and the offer for the SB3 is
unexpected! A few words of explanation. The photo is taken in an
extension to the house in which there are large windows on each side.
The green reflection in the SB3 is actually trees outside. I considered
a polarizer but it had the effect of reducing the readability on Classe
TFT. Personally I think the quality of the display on the SB3 matches
that of the classe pretty well (despite a 40 fold price

For those using film, thats excellent....therein true quality lies.
Most of the images on http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com have a film
version too (Fuji reala on minolta 7). I am also looking into 6x12
wide120 format for landscapes which are my real love.

I have some more SB3 pictures taken in the same setting, and I'll post
one or two more over the weekend. 

ps. I would love to see a photo forum or even better photo
contest....could be interesting to do some long exposures for the

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